Well-Being of Future Generations

Sustainability is at the heart of Dauson Environmental Group. We are deeply committed to supporting Wales’ Well-being of Future Generations policy and the ambitious goals of Net Zero Wales. Our approach is encapsulated in our guiding principles: Our World, Our Community, Our Business.

Through these, we strive to create a positive impact on the environment, foster strong community relationships, and ensure sustainable business practices. By integrating these values into everything we do, we are dedicated to paving the way for a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Our World

Net Zero

Our Community

Social Value
Local Economy

Our People

Well Being

Our World

Taking proactive steps to protect and preserve the environment for future generations.

Protect and restore natural habitats to promote biodiversity through:

  • Partner with conservation organisations to protect species and habitats
  • Implement habitat restoration projects
  • Promote sustainable land use practices among local communities and businesses

Invest in and adopt advanced technologies through:

  • Invest in renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind and geothermal
  • Reduce dependency on fossil fuels with investment
  • Support research and development of sustainable materials and waste reduction technologies.

Net Zero
Implement strategies to reduce carbon emissions and achieve net zero

  • Conduct a comprehensive carbon audit and report all carbon emissions across company and business partners
  • Implement energy efficiency measure across all operations
  • Implement strategies to support The Welsh Government’s aim of ‘Net Zero Wales 2050’

Our Community

Creating strong, resilient communities are the foundation of a sustainable future.

Foster community awareness and participation in sustainability initiatives through education and involvement through:

  • Organise community workshops and seminars on the resource sector and sustainability
  • Launch awareness campaigns
  • Encourage volunteering in community-led environmental projects

Social Value
Create and support projects that deliver social benefits, enhancing the well-being of the community:

  • Develop programs that address social issues such as poverty, education and healthcare
  • Support local charities and non-profits through funding and resources
  • Foster partnerships with social enterprises

Local Economy
Support and promote sustainable practices within the local economy to ensure long-term economic resilience:

  • Promote and support our local business partners, especially amongst SME customers
  • Create incentives for businesses to reduce their environmental impact
  • Hold, review and update our “sustainable procurement” policy

Our People

Our people are our greatest asset. Providing skills, support, and training is crucial to our success and sustainability

Promote physical and mental health initiatives to ensure the well-being of all individuals through:

  • Implement health and wellness programs for employees, including mental health support
  • Create green spaces and promote outdoor activities to enhance physical well-being
  • Support flexible working arrangements to improve work-life balance

Foster an inclusive environment that supports equality and diversity through:

  • Ensure diversity and equality policy is implemented and regularly reviewed
  • Provide equal opportunities for career advancement and professional development
  • Support initiatives that promote equality and inclusivity in the workplace

Provide training and development opportunities to enhance skills and knowledge through:

  • Offer regular training sessions & updates on sustainability practices and principles.
  • Engage with staff to promote suggestions in making their workplace more environmentally sustainable
  • Partner with educational training providers and institutions to provide courses and workshops on sustainability